Day1 |
2014-12-12 |
Friday |
Session title : Platelet Research Group Symposium -Part Ⅰ |
14:05~15:50 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Min Su Hyon, Seung Jae Joo |
Discussant : Soo Joong Kim, Woo Jung Chun, Byung Jin Kim, Woong Gil Choi, Dong Hyun Lee, En Ze Jin |
14:05 |
New P2Y12 Receptor Inhibitor in Korean AMI Patients  |
Keun Ho Park (Chonnam National University , Korea) |
14:20 |
Antiplatelet Therapy in ACS - The Reality in South East Asia  |
Alan Fong (Sarawak Hospital, Malaysia) |
14:35 |
Pharmacodynamic Responses of Low Dose New P2Y12 Inhibitors in Korean  |
Moo Hyun Kim (Dong-A University Hospital, Korea) |
14:50 |
International Clopidogrel Pharmacogenetics Consortium Genome Wide Association Study  |
Michael Lee (RIKEN Center,Japan) |
15:05 |
Thropmbogenecity in East Asian vs. Western Population  |
Young-Hoon Jeong (Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Korea) |
15:20 |
Japanese Clinical Trial Regarding ACS and SAP: Prasugrel |
Naoto Inoue (Sendai Kousei Hospital, Japan) |
Session title : Platelet Research Group Symposium -Part Ⅱ |
15:50~17:20 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Moo Hyun Kim, Victor Serebruany |
Discussant : Jae Hyoung Park, Jin Bae Lee, Kyung Min Park, Sang Min Park, Michael Lee |
15:50 |
The Effect of Non Steady State and Steady State Clopidogrel Carboxylic Acid Plasma Concentration on Clopidogrel Responsiveness in Patients Planned For Percutaneous Coronary Intervention  |
Lee Len Tiong (Sarawak General Hospital Heart Centre, Malaysia) |
16:05 |
Antiplatelet Therapy in ACS PCI Patients - Old P2Y12 Inhibitor Still has the Role  |
Victor Serebruany (Johns Hopkins University USA) |
16:05 |
Antiplatelet Therapy in ACS PCI Patients- New P2Y12 Inhibitor is Preferred  |
Michael S Lee (UCLA Medical Center, USA) |
16:25 |
Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy- More than 6-12 Months  |
Michael Rinaldi (University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, USA) |
16:25 |
Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy- Less than 6-12 Months  |
Jung Won Suh (Seoul National University, Korea) |
16:50 |
Bridging Therapy in PCI Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery  |
Neal Kleiman (Houston Methodist Hospital, USA) |
17:50~19:00 |
Room: Iris Room |
Chair : Young Jo Kim, Do Sun Lim |
Discussant : Eun-Seok Shin, Chul Soo Park, Chang-Wook Nam, Jang Ho Bae, Soon Jun Hong, Yong Rak Cho |
17:50 |
Summary of 5yr Japanese Retrograde Summit Registry  |
Etsuo Tsuchikane (Toyohashi Heart Center, Japan) |
18:05 |
Postprandial Hyperlipidemia and Atheroslerosis  |
Shizuya Yamashita (Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan) |
18:25 |
Direct Conversion of Adult Skin Fibroblasts to Endothelial Cells by Defined Factors  |
Hyo-Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) |
Day2 |
2014-12-13 |
Saturday |
Session title : Morning Session: Imaging Modality -Joint Session with KMC |
07:10~08:30 |
Room: Camellia Room |
Chair : Jong Seon Park, Jang Ho Bae |
Discussant : Woo Young Jung, Myung Ho Yoon, Seung Hwan Han, Eun-Seok Shin, Sung Yun Lee, Naoto Inoue, Alan Fong |
07:00 |
Role of MDCT in CTO PCI: What Have We Learned?  |
Jin Ho Choi (Samgsung Medical Center, Korea) |
07:20 |
Inflammation and Plaque Stability Imaging and Clinical Trials  |
Sang Gon Lee (Ulsan University Hospital, Korea) |
07:35 |
Role of MDCT in Detection of Vasospastic Angina  |
Eun-Ju Kang (Dong-A University Hospital, Korea) |
07:50 |
Role of OCT for Optimal Stenitng  |
Jung-Sun Kim (Severance Hospital, Korea) |
08:05 |
Implications of Coronary Artery Disease in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction  |
Seok-Jae Hwang (Gyeongsang National University Hospital) |
Session title : Session I: Technology Update : TRI and Bifurcation |
08:30~09:25 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Young Jo Kim, Kyoo Rok Han |
Discussant : Jong Hyun Kim, Hyun-Woong Park, Kee Dong Yoo, Wook-Hyun Cho, Jung Whan Kim, Jang Whan Bae |
08:30 |
Mother & Child Technique in DES Implantation |
Fuminobu Yoshimachi (Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital, Japan) |
08:45 |
Bifurcation Stent Using New Generation DES: Insight from Bench Test  |
Yutaka Hikichi (Saga Unversity, Japan) |
09:00 |
How is Bifurcation Intervention Evolving?  |
Hyo-Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) |
Session title : Session I: Lipid Drug and Metabolism |
09:20~10:40 |
Room: GBR C |
Chair : Tae Hoon Ahn, Michael S Lee |
Discussant : Jin Sin Kho, Jong Seong Park, Hyun-Woong Park, Woong Cheol Kang, Jae Hyuk Choi, Jae Kwan Cha |
09:10 |
New Perspective of PSCK9 Inhibitor in CAD Patients  |
Moo Hyun Kim (Dong-A University Hospital, Korea) |
09:25 |
Reverse Cholesterol Transport and Atheroslerosis  |
Shizuya Yamashita (Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan) |
09:45 |
Statin Use and Diabetus Mellitus  |
Seung Hwan Han (Gacheon Gil Hospital, Korea) |
10:00 |
Current Guidelines in Lipid Management and Controversies  |
Seung Ho Hur (Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center) |
Session title : Session II: ACS Management and Update |
09:25~10:40 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Chong Jin Kim, Kwang Soo Cha |
Discussant : Jae Woong Choi, Jin Bae Lee, Ju Hyun Oh, Woo Hyung Bae, Bum-Kee Hong, Naoto Inoue |
09:25 |
STEMI Management - State of Art  |
Michael Nguyen (St. Mary’s Medical Center, Australia) |
09:40 |
Role of Old vs New P2Y12 Agents in ACS Patients  |
Victor Serebruany (Johns Hopkins University, USA) |
09:55 |
Controversies in The Treatment of AMI  |
Thach Nguyen (St. Mary’s Medical Center, USA) |
Session title : Debate Session I PCI vs. Medical Tx in Stable CAD |
10:40~11:15 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Dong Joo Oh, Jin Young Hwang |
Discussant : Deuk-Young Nah, Woong Gil Choi, Sang Min Park, Joon Hyung Doh, SoeHee Ann, Michael Rinaldi |
10:40 |
FFR Guided PCI : Future Direction  |
Chang-Wook Nam (Keimyung University Hospital, Korea) |
10:55 |
Optimal Medical Therapy in Stable CAD  |
Neal Kleiman (Houston Methodist Hospital, USA) |
Session title : Session II: Basic and Translational Research -Joint Session with MIS-Korea |
10:40~12:25 |
Room: GBR C |
Chair : Do Sun Lim, Jin Han |
Discussant : Tae Jin Yun, Long Hau Yu, Han Young Jin, Lee Farrand, Dong Keun Jung |
10:40 |
Comparison of Biomarkers for Coronary Plaque Rupture in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome  |
Hyung Joon Joo (Korea University Anam Hospital, Korea) |
10:55 |
Pioglitazone Increased Circulating MicroRNA-24 with Decreases in Coronary Neointimal Hyperplasia in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis  |
Sun Jun Hong (Korea University, Korea) |
11: 25 |
Remote Ischemic Conditioning: Bench to Bedside in Action!  |
Derek Hausenloy (University College London, UK) |
11:10 |
The Damaging Nature of Extracellular RNA in Cardiac Ischemia/ Reperfusion Injury  |
Hector A. Cabrera-Fuentes (Justus-Liebig University. Germany) |
11:40 |
Tetrahydrobiopterin Enhances Metabolic Efficiency in Type 2 Diabetic Hearts |
Jin Han (Inje University, Korea) |
11:55 |
CD98 Modulates Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability By Mediating Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation  |
William A. Boisvert (University of Hawaii, USA) |
Session title : Session III: Structural Heart Disease |
11:15~12:20 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Taek Jong Hong, Dong Hoon Choi |
Discussant : Cheol Woong Yu, Seung Hwan Han, Jung Ho Heo, Han Cheol Lee, Jeong Su Kim, Michael Nguyen |
11:15 |
TAVR 2015  |
Neal Kleiman (Houston Methodist Hospital, USA) |
11:30 |
How is TAVI Evolving: Indication & Technique in Case Review  |
Hyo-Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea) |
11:45 |
LAA Closure  |
Marvin Eng (University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, USA) |
Session title : Luncheon Seminar I: Devices and Technology Update |
12:30~13:30 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Seung Jea Thak, Tae Ho Park |
Discussant : Jeong Su Kim, Yong Whan Lee, Joon Hyung Doh, Young Joon Hong, Il Soo Lee |
12:30 |
Osiro Stent  |
Michael Nguyen (Fremantle Hospital, Australia) |
12:45 |
B. Braun Stent  |
Florian Krackhardt (Berlin Univsersity, Germany) |
13:00 |
Bioabsorable Stent  |
Eun Seok Shin (Ulsan University Hospital, Korea) |
Session title : Luncheon Seminar II: Thrombosis and Platelet |
12:30~13:30 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Myung Ho Jeong, Neal Kleiman |
Discussant : SoeHee Ann, Joon Sang Lee, Yoon Hyung Cho, Han Young Jin, Kyung Min Park, Alan Fong, Michael Lee |
12:30 |
Expectation of Prasugrel Use in Japanese PCI Patients  |
Naoto Inoue (Sendai Kousei Hospital, Japan) |
12:50 |
Re-evaluation of Antithrombotic Therapy in PCI  |
Michael S Lee (UCLA School of Medicine, USA) |
13:05 |
Stroke Prevention in Atrial Filbrillation  |
Michael Rinaldi (Carolinas Medical Center, USA) |
Session title : Session III: Meet the Experts: Case Based Learning |
13:30 ~14:30 |
Room: GBR C |
Chair : Moo Hyun Kim, Neal Kleiman |
Discussant : Sang Hyun Lee, Kwang Soo Cha, Hyun Su Kim, Joon Hyuk Oh, Kook Jin Chun, Young Seok Lee |
13:30 |
Femoropopliteal stent fracture with recurrent in-stent occlusion and pseudoaneurysm / Crushed stent with acute occlusion in superficial femoral artery after enhanced external counter pulsation  |
Dong Hoon Choi (Severance Cardiovascular Hospital) |
13:45 |
LARIAT Procedure  |
Marvin Eng (University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, USA) |
14:00 |
Acute Severe MR and Shock An Alternative Approach? / Why is the patient hypotensive? I thought we were done! /  |
Michael Rinaldi (Carolinas Medical Center, USA) |
14:15 |
Unexpected aftercare caused by the simple stent technique  |
Yutaka Hikichi (Saga University) |
Session title : Session IV: Retrograde Approach Forum 2014 |
13:30~14:40 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Hweung Kon Hwang, Hunsik Park |
Discussant : Hee Yeol Kim, Cheol Woong Yu, Seok Hwan Jung, Nae Hee Lee, En Ze Jin |
13:30 |
New CTO Guidewires & Devices |
Fuminobu Yoshimachi (Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital, Japan) |
13:45 |
How to Do the Contemporary Reverse CART  |
Etsuo Tshchikane (Toyohashi Heart Center, Japan) |
14:00 |
CTO Intervention Related Complications  |
Seung Woon Rha (Korea University Guro Hospital, Korea) |
14:15 |
How to Choose Appropriate Collaterals for Retrograde Approach  |
Toshiya Muramatsu (Saiseikai Yokohama-City Eastern Hospital, Japan) |
Session title : Abstract Award Session |
14:30 ~ 15:30 |
Room: Camellia |
Chair : Michael Nguyen, Young Jo Kim, Thach Nguyen |
14:30 |
Impact of Hypertension on 5-year Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Significant Coronary Artery Spasm; A Propensity Score Matching Study  |
Byoung Geol Choi (Korea University Guro Hospital) |
14:42 |
Assessment of Coronary Vessel Tone in Vasospastic Angina by Multidetector Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography  |
Cai De Jin (Dong-A University Hospital) |
14:54 |
RNase1 as a potential mediator of remote ischemic preconditioning for cardio-protection  |
Hector A. Cabrera-Fuentes (Justus-Liebig University) |
15:06 |
Optimal Timing of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Non-Culprit Vessel in Acute ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients with Multivessel Disease  |
Inna Kim (Chonnam National University Hospital) |
15:18 |
Routine Follow Up Coronary Angiography versus Clinical Follow Up Only in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Drug-eluting Stents: 3-year Clinical Follow Up Results  |
Seung-Woon Rha (Korea University Guro Hospital) |
Session title : Session IV: Clinical Trial Center Symposium |
14:30-15:30 |
Room: Camellia Room |
Chair : Dong Keun Jung, Sung Yong Oh |
14:30 |
Introduction to Clinical Trial  |
Min Kyu Park (Dong-A University Hospital, Korea) |
14:45 |
IRB & GCP  |
Young Seok Lee (Dong-A University Hospital, Korea) |
15:00 |
How to Conduct Clinical Trial  |
Kyeong Soon Kim (Seoul CRO, Korea) |
15:15 |
Global Clinical Trial Network  |
Anthony Nguyen (Dong-A University Hospital, Korea) |
Session title : Debate Session II Treatment of Functional/Degenerative MR |
14:40~15:40 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Kee Sik Kim, Marvin Eng |
Discussant : Dong Bin Kim, Soo Hoon Lee, Seung-Hyuk Choi, Young Seok Lee, Seung Ho Hur |
14:40-14:55 |
Mitral Clip Would Be a Better Option  |
Michael Rinaldi (Carolinas Medical Center, USA) |
14:55-15:10 |
Circulage Would Be a Next Option in the Future |
June Hong Kim (Pusan National University, Yangsan Hospital, Korea) |
Session title : Session V: Peripheral Artery Disease |
15:40~17:00 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Jae-Woo Lee, Naoto Inoue |
Discussant : Su Hong Kim, Si Won Lee, Byoung Geol Choi, Jin Bae Lee, Yong Rak Cho, Michael S Lee |
15:40 |
Role of CT images in The Endovascular Treatment of Iliac Artery Disease  |
Young Guk Ko (Severance Hospital, Korea) |
16:05 |
Zilver PTX Experience for Femoropopliteal Artery Disease in Japan  |
Naoto Inoue (Sendai Kousei Hospital, Japan) |
16:20 |
Tips and Tricks in BTK Intervention  |
Seung Woon Rha (Korea Unviersity Guro Hospital, Korea) |
16:35 |
Drug Coated Balloon for SFA and Below Knee Intervention?  |
Naoto Inoue (Sendai Kousei Hospital, Japan) |
Session title : Case Award Session |
17:00-18:00 |
Room: GBR A+B |
Chair : Kee Sik Kim, Neal Kleiman |
Discussant : Michael S Lee, Naoto Inoue, Michel Nguyen, Fuminobu Yoshimachi, Hee Yeol Kim, Mike Rinaldi |
17:00 |
Perforation of a Superficial Femoral Artery during Plugging the Pipe: A Cath Lab Nightmare  |
Harris Abdullah Ngow (Korea University Guro Hospital) |
17:12 |
A Successful Management Case of a Superficial Femoral Artery Rupture induced by High Pressure Non-Compliant Ballooning  |
Jabar Ali (Korea University Guro Hospital) |
17:24 |
Several attempts of a Stent dislodgement during LCX PCI  |
Min Woong Kim (Hanyang University Medical Center Hanmaeum Hospital) |
17:36 |
What we can do for identification of distal true lumen in CTO intervention  |
Se Yong Jang (Kyungpook National University Hospital) |
17:48 |
Another option of retrograde approach for the treatment of chronic total occlusion in bifurcation area  |
Seung Pyo Hong (Daegu Catholic University Medical Center) |
18:00 |
Too Low FFR – IVUS, HELP!  |
Gillian Balbir Singh (Ulsan University Hospital) |